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Nationale Konferenz Satellitenkommunikation 2024

03. September 2024 : 00:00 | 04. September 2024 : 23:59

„Connectivity for the benefit of a mobile society” The national conference “Satellite Communication in Germany” will take place for the ...

SMM 2024

03. September 2024 : 10:00 | 06. September 2024 : 18:00

Four days, every two years, one location: SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology trade fair) The leading international trade fair ...

Space Forum Lampoldshausen 2024

05. September 2024 : 17:00 | 05. September 2024 : 20:00

Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Space Forum Lampoldshausen ein! Die nächsten Veranstaltungen finden vom 04.07. – 05.12.2024 zu Themen aus ...

34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) 2024

09. September 2024 : 00:00 | 13. September 2024 : 23:59

The 5-day aviation congress of ICAS (International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences) will take place in Florence this year. In ...

IAA Transportation 2024

17. September 2024 : 00:00 | 22. September 2024 : 23:59

Visit the IAA TRANSPORTATION in Hanover from 17 to 22 September 2024 (press day: 16 September 2024) – the leading ...

4th International Workshop on Carnot Batteries

23. September 2024 : 16:00 | 25. September 2024 : 16:00

Welcome to the 4th International Workshop on Carnot Batteries! The challenge of solving the energy storage issue is a significant ...

6th National Space Weather Workshop 2024

24. September 2024 : 00:00 | 26. September 2024 : 00:00

The German Aerospace Center is inviting experts from scientific institutions, commercial companies and government agencies to the 6th National Space ...

Innotrans 2024

24. September 2024 : 00:00 | 27. September 2024 : 23:59

InnoTrans is the leading international trade fair for transport technology, which takes place every two years in Berlin. It is ...

Wasserstofftag 2024

25. September 2024 : 09:00 | 25. September 2024 : 15:30

Das Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum Lampoldshausen, das Institut für Raumfahrtantriebe des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR), die Gemeinde Hardthausen und ...

Wissenschaftstag – Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz durch Systemleichtbau

26. September 2024 : 09:30 | 26. September 2024 : 16:30

Zum Thema „Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz durch Systemleichtbau“ laden wir, das Institut für Systemleichtbau, Sie herzlich zu unserem Wissenschaftstag am 26. ...

Space Conference 2024

05. November 2024 : 09:00 | 05. November 2024 : 18:00

We cordially invite you once again to this year’s Space Conference at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart. The theme ...

Unternehmenstag 2024 an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

13. November 2024 : 10:00 | 14. November 2024 : 16:00

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences has been organising the careers fair for students, graduates and young professionals at the Sankt ...

Career Day Ulm – The career fair of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology

21. November 2024 : 11:00 | 21. November 2024 : 15:30

​ The Arbeitskreis Industriekontakte (AKIK) and the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology at the University of Ulm are ...

9th Human Physiology Workshop

06. December 2024 : 00:00 | 06. December 2024 : 23:59

The Human Physiology Workshop (HPW) is targeted to young investigators with the aim to provide a forum where they can ...

Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference (ASMS)

26. February 2025 : 00:00 | 28. February 2025 : 23:59

The 12th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 18th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop will take place in ...