
Construction kit of different technological possibilities for climate-neutral flight

The exhibit illustrates the various areas of expertise of the DLR institutes that are making contributions to the climate-neutral flight of tomorrow. Various concepts and technologies tailored to size and range are under consideration, all of which greatly reduce climate impact.

The exhibit itself does not represent a future product optimised in detail but is rather to be understood as a construction kit of the various technological possibilities. In the future, climate-neutral concept aircraft in the regional, short-haul and medium-haul segments could take off with fuel cell propulsion systems, direct hydrogen combustion or Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Various combinations of propulsion and fuel can be considered for different aircraft sizes and areas of operation.


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German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Lightweight Systems
E-Mail contact-dlr@DLR.de

Conceptual study of a 70-passenger regional aircraft with fuel cell propulsion – D70-FCEP (Fuel Cell Electric Propulsion)

Fleet of climate-neutral concept aircraft in the regional and short/medium-haul segments with fuel cell propulsion, direct hydrogen combustion and sustainable synthetic fuels