Astroseminar 2018 – 3. Atomics and molecule physics

“Atomics and molecule physics in the context of the development of the universe” is topic of the third lecture within the DLR Astroseminar 2018 edition.

Astroseminar 2018 – 2. Complex and small

“The world of elementary particles” is topic of the second lecture within the DLR astroseminar 2018 edition.

Astroseminar 2018 – 1. How does something new come into being?

“Evolution and emergence” are the topics of the first lecture within the DLR Astroseminar 2018 edition.

DLR ASTROSEMINAR 2017 – Spaceship ‘Earth’

This year´s motto of DLR´s Astroseminar is “Spaceship Earth”.