MovR with FCREX – fuel-cell-powered cargo bike

A new ‘last mile’ logistics concept Electrically-powered cargo bikes are a future-proof solution for the transport sector. Developed specifcally for the route between distribution centres and customers – referred to as the last mile – these achieve higher average speeds than cars or vans. In addition, they are more versatile and are emission-free at a ...


Energy conversion and thermal energy storage processes for industrial process and power plant technology The DLR Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics conducts research into energy storage, heat management and heat transfer. It is pursuing storage concepts for different heat transfer media in the 100 – 1000°C range: sensible (that is, without phase change) storage based on ...

Low-temperature fuel cells

Direct generation of electrical energy from hydrogen Reducing the emission of CO2, nitrogen oxides and particulates is one of the key challenges for future mobility. Using hydrogen as an energy source instead of conventional, carbon-based fuels for mobility, heating and industry holds the potential to achieve emission-free power generation. A hydrogen-based economy in Germany or ...

Water electrolysis

Effcient and cost-effective generation of renewable hydrogen Reducing the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2 is one of the most important societal challenges. Hydrogen generated from renewable energy sources via water electrolysis can be used in a variety of ways. In mobility, hydrogen can enable emission-free mobility with short refuelling times and high vehicle ...

HY4 fuel cell aircraft

Fuel-cell powered flight The HY4 is the world’s frst four-seat passenger aircraft powered solely by a hydrogen fuel cell battery system. The research aircraft is thus paving the way for passenger aviation without noise, soot particles and carbon dioxide emissions. The exhibit displays a 1:4 scale model of the HY4. The powertrain developed for the ...

High-performance thermal storage

Greater range for electric vehicles Electric propulsion is an important building block in the development of a climate-friendly transport system. One of the associated challenges is the loss of range in such vehicles during winter. Fuel-powered vehicles are heated by the waste heat created by the combustion process in the engine. In the case of ...

Germany’s energy landscape

DLR energy system analysis How would the power supply system in Germany look if a large proportion of the electricity were generated using renewable forms of energy? This interactive exhibit shows different scenarios, depending on weather conditions and demand. For instance, what happens if solar and wind power produce more electricity than is being consumed? ...

Efficient energy management for buildings

Energy flows in ‘smart’ residential buildings In the future, ensuring an energy supply based on renewables will require a fundamental transformation of our existing energy systems. In particular, the systems for supplying power, heat and mobility, which have previously been considered separately, will be increasingly coupled. The energy flows in our modelled residential building clearly ...

Emission-free fuel

Electrolysis – conversion of solar power into hydrogen The shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources presents a challenge, particularly in the mobility sector. Hydrogen is an alternative fuel, as it can be obtained from renewable energy via electrolysis in an emission-free process. When used in conjunction with fuel cells as energy converters in ...

Carnot batteries

Low-cost and location-independent energy storage in the gigawatt hour range Given the increasing share of fluctuating renewable energy in power generation in Germany and across the world, there is a growing need to cost-effectively store large amounts of electrical energy over several days. Today and for the foreseeable future, battery storage is too expensive and ...

FLOX® combustion chamber

Micro gas turbine for decentralised energy supply Modern gas-turbine combustion chambers must satisfy many requirements. In addition to load and fuel flexibility, low-pollutant emissions are also mandatory under all operating conditions. The FLOX® concept meets all of these requirements, while its high combustion stability represents a promising alternative to conventional swirl-stabilised combustion chamber systems. The ...


Sector coupling with wind-hydrogen DLR’s Lampoldshausen site, which lies 50 kilometres north of Stuttgart, is currently creating another element of the energy future. The Institute of Space Propulsion in Lampoldshausen is one of Europe’s largest consumers of hydrogen and is situated next to what is currently the biggest wind park in Baden-Württemberg. Taking this infrastructure ...