FLOX® combustion chamber

Micro gas turbine for decentralised energy supply

Modern gas-turbine combustion chambers must satisfy many requirements. In addition to load and fuel flexibility, low-pollutant emissions are also mandatory under all operating conditions. The FLOX® concept meets all of these requirements, while its high combustion stability represents a promising alternative to conventional swirl-stabilised combustion chamber systems.

The exhibit shows two FLOX® burners for use in micro gas turbines (MGT). The larger burner is designed for a Turbec T100 MGT burning natural gas and with maximum electrical output of 100 kilowatts. The smaller burner is designed for an MTT EnerTwin with maximum electrical output of three kilowatts, designed for use with biogases having a low calorifc value. The air inlet temperatures in this burner are over 700°C.

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Christoph Arndt · E-Mail: christoph.arndt@dlr.de · DLR.de/en