ILA Berlin, 5-9 June 2024

ILA Berlin is the largest aerospace trade show in the EU and will take place from 5 to 9 June 2024. It showcases the future of aerospace with a focus on innovation, new technologies and sustainability, as well as the future of climate-neutral flying and new mobility. The theme of the exhibition this year is: ‘Pioneering Aerospace for a safe, sustainable and connected world’. The European Commission is a strategic partner of ILA.


Come and visit us
at the ILA 2024!

Live event at the DLR stand:
Signing MoU: ONERA & DLR

Wednesday, 05.06.2024, 14:45 – 15:15

Live event at the DLR stand:
Signing: Ariane & DLR

Wednesday, 05.06.2024, 15:30 – 15:45

Live event at the DLR stand:
Press conference on the results of the ECLIF3 research flights

Thursday, 06.06. 14:15 – 14:45 | As part of the ECLIF3 (Emission and Climate Impact of Alternative Fuels) study, emission measurements were carried out for the first time ever on a large commercial aircraft powered by 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on both engines. To do this, the DLR Falcon 20E measurement aircraft followed an Airbus A350 in its exhaust stream. The results of the emission measurements are very promising and will be presented at the press conference by the project participants DLR, Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Neste.

Live event at the static display of the BO-105:
Photo opportunity with statements and tour to mark the 50th anniversary of DLR’s BO-105 research helicopter

Friday, 7 June 10:15 – 10:45 | DLR’s BO 105 helicopter will celebrate 50 years dedicated to scientific research in 2024. After entering service in 1974, the helicopter was heavily modified for research purposes at DLR and has since been used in many different helicopter projects. For example, it is particularly suitable for investigating flight characteristics, as a camera carrier for thermal imaging cameras, for investigating quieter approaches, developing pilot assistance systems or for flights with external loads. To mark the anniversary, DLR is hosting a photo opportunity with statements from Markus Fischer, DLR Divisional Board Member for Aeronautics, and Uwe Göhmann, DLR research pilot. The research helicopter will be open to visitors afterwards and there will be an opportunity for interviews.

Live podcasts at the DLR stand

Explaining science in an understandable way and demonstrating its benefits to society – this is what podcaster Daniel Finger specialises in in the series ‘From Earth to Space’, produced in collaboration with DLR. From 5 to 9 June 2024, he will be recording new episodes (in German) live at the DLR stand – for all ILA Berlin visitors to watch and listen to.

DLR is once again one of the largest institutional exhibitors in 2024. The DLR stand in Hall 4 (Stand 300), the Space Pavilion (Hall 4) and the stand of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in Hall 2 (Stand 220) will provide a wide range of insights into current research work over an area of approximately 500 square metres. Aircraft from the DLR research fleet will be on display in the outdoor area of ILA, including the DO 328 UpLift, which will be there for the first time.



{:de}Cosmic Globe{:}{:en}Cosmic Globe{:}

Cosmic Globe

Cosmic Globe

{:de}Cyber- und Informationsraum{:}{:en}Cyber and Information Domain Service {:}

Cyber and Information Domain Service

Cyber and Information Domain Service

{:de}DLR Quantencomputing-Initiative (DLR QCI){:}{:en}DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI){:}

DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI)

DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI)

{:de}EmpowerAX Additive Funktionalisierung{:}{:en}EmpowerAX Additive Functionalisation {:}

EmpowerAX Additive Functionalisation

EmpowerAX Additive Functionalisation

{:de}EO Solar {:}{:en}EO Solar{:}

EO Solar

{:de}Future Fighter Demonstrator (DLR-FFD){:}{:en}Future Fighter Demonstrator (DLR-FFD){:}

Future Fighter Demonstrator (DLR-FFD)

Future Fighter Demonstrator (DLR-FFD)




{:de}Smarte Leckagen-Detektion{:}{:en}Smart leakage detection{:}

Smart leakage detection

Smart leakage detection

{:de}Hubschraubersimulator EC 135 FHS{:}{:en}EC 135 FHS helicopter simulator{:}

EC 135 FHS helicopter simulator

EC 135 FHS helicopter simulator

{:de}MMX Rover IDEFIX{:}{:en}MMX Rover IDEFIX{:}



{:de}IMPC CALLISTO Spektrometer{:}{:en}IMPC CALLISTO spectrometer{:}

IMPC CALLISTO spectrometer

IMPC CALLISTO spectrometer

{:de}ISTAR-Funktionsmodell{:}{:en}ISTAR functional model{:}

ISTAR functional model

ISTAR functional model

{:de}Jobs & Karriere {:}{:en}Jobs & Careers {:}

Jobs & Careers

Jobs & Careers

{:de}KI für kleine Überflieger{:}{:en}Fly high AI{:}

Fly high AI

Fly high AI




{:de}On-Orbit-Servicing-Simulator für orbitale Robotik{:}{:en}On-orbit servicing simulator for orbital robotics{:}

On-orbit servicing simulator for orbital robotics

On-orbit servicing simulator for orbital robotics

{:de}3U CubeSat OTTER{:}{:en}3U CubeSat OTTER{:}

3U CubeSat OTTER

3U CubeSat OTTER

{:de}Resiliente Navigation{:}{:en}Resilient Navigation{:}

Resilient Navigation

Resilient Navigation

{:de}Power-to-Liquid-Kraftstoffe (PtL){:}{:en}Power-to-Liquid Fuels (PtL){:}

Power-to-Liquid Fuels (PtL)

Power-to-Liquid Fuels (PtL)

{:de}Triebwerksentwicklung der Ariane 6{:}{:en}Ariane 6 engine development{:}

Ariane 6 engine development

Ariane 6 engine development

{:de}Weltraumlagezentrum{:}{:en}Space Situational Awareness Centre{:}

Space Situational Awareness Centre

Space Situational Awareness Centre

{:de}Weltraum-Quantentechnologien: Von der Forschung in die Anwendung{:}{:en}Quantum technologies in space: from research to application{:}

Quantum technologies in space: from research to application

Quantum technologies in space: from research to application

{:de}JAXA{:}{:en}Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA){:}

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

{:de}Bioprint FirstAid{:}{:en}Bioprint FirstAid{:}

Bioprint FirstAid

Bioprint FirstAid








{:de}GRACE-C{:}{:en}GRACE-C {:}


{:de}Satellitenmodell Heinrich Hertz{:}{:en}Heinrich Hertz satellite model{:}

Heinrich Hertz satellite model

Heinrich Hertz satellite model







{:de}HyNOx-Triebwerke{:}{:en}HyNOx thrusters{:}

HyNOx thrusters

HyNOx thrusters

{:de}LUNA Analog Facility{:}{:en}LUNA Analogue Facility{:}

LUNA Analogue Facility

LUNA Analogue Facility

{:de}Kleinsatelliten und Mikrolauncher{:}{:en}Small satellites and microlaunchers{:}

Small satellites and microlaunchers

Small satellites and microlaunchers

{:de}European Service Module (ESM) | Orion{:}{:en}European Service Module (ESM) | Orion{:}

European Service Module (ESM) | Orion

European Service Module (ESM) | Orion




{:de}Space View VR {:}{:en}Space View VR {:}

Space View VR 

Space View VR 




{:de}A310 Air Zero G{:}{:en}A310 Air Zero G{:}

A310 Air Zero G

A310 Air Zero G

{:de}Forschungshubschrauber BO 105 CB (D-HDDP){:}{:en}Research helicopter BO 105 CB (D-HDDP){:}

Research helicopter BO 105 CB (D-HDDP)

Research helicopter BO 105 CB (D-HDDP)

{:de}Forschungsflugzeug Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan (D-FDLR){:}{:en}Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan research aircraft (D-FDLR){:}

Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan research aircraft (D-FDLR)

Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan research aircraft (D-FDLR)

{:de}Space Shop des Sozialwerks beim DLR e.V.{:}{:en}Space Shop of the DLR social welfare organisation{:}

Space Shop of the DLR social welfare organisation

Space Shop of the DLR social welfare organisation










{:de}Mondrover Neurospace GmbH{:}{:en}Mondrover Neurospace GmbH{:}

Mondrover Neurospace GmbH

Mondrover Neurospace GmbH

{:de}Augmented Reality Sandbox des DLR_School_Lab Berlin {:}{:en}Augmented Reality Sandbox of the DLR_School_Lab Berlin {:}

Augmented Reality Sandbox of the DLR_School_Lab Berlin

Augmented Reality Sandbox of the DLR_School_Lab Berlin

{:de}DLR-Forschungsflugzeug UpLift{:}{:en}DLR UpLift research aircraft{:}

DLR UpLift research aircraft

DLR UpLift research aircraft

{:de}Forschungsflugzeug Dornier DO 328-100 (D-CUPL){:}{:en}Dornier DO 328-100 (D-CUPL) research aircraft{:}

Dornier DO 328-100 (D-CUPL) research aircraft

Dornier DO 328-100 (D-CUPL) research aircraft

{:de}SPACEBUZZ ONE{:}{:en}Spacebuzz{:}




DLR Magazine 175
PDF 10,5 MB

countdown 42

DLR at a glance
PDF 1,4 MB

Aircraft fleet
PDF 1,0 MB

ILA 2024 Site Plan
PDF 0,4 MB

DLR Artemis-Mission App