Cosmic Globe

Discover Earth and other celestial bodies in a spectacular way!

The DLR_School_Lab Berlin’s interactive virtual globe offers visitors the opportunity to discover Earth from a new perspective: as a whole, similar to what astronauts see from space. An impressive experience!

In addition to presenting Earth with real-time data such as cloud cover, dynamic phenomena can also be visualised on the globe. These include weather changes, glaciation, Earth observation data, shipping routes, air traffic and much more. The virtual globe also provides insights into planetary research by showing other celestial bodies such as planets, moons or even exoplanets. Visitors can marvel at our neighbouring planet Mars, look under the dense cloud cover of Venus or explore the geological composition of the lunar surface. All of this is possible with the DLR_School_Lab Berlin’s virtual globe.

Visitors to ILA 2024 will have the opportunity to discover the many functions of the Cosmic Globe and view the wonders of Earth and space from a new perspective.



German Aerospace Center (DLR)
DLR_School_Lab Berlin

Mars – our red neighbour: A now dry desert planet which must have once had huge amounts of water (Credits: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin)

Earth – our blue planet: A celestial body full of life and diversity (Credits: DLR/EOC)

The Moon – our cosmic companion: The lunar surface holds many geological secrets (Credits: USGS)