Cyber and Information Domain Service

The Cyber and Information Domain Service provides operational support from space for the German Armed Forces.

Digitalisation has fundamentally transformed the world: But alongside opportunities, it also presents risks. Operating and protecting the German Armed Forces’ IT networks as well as providing intelligence and acting in foreign systems is one of the tasks of the Cyber and Information Domain Service (TSK CIR) with its command centre in Bonn. As the ‘central nervous system’, it ensures the communication and networking of the armed forces and develops technological innovations in its role as a driver of digitalisation. The TSK CIR thus makes an important contribution to the digital war capability of the Bundeswehr – because command capability goes hand in hand with information superiority.

The use of space-based services is an essential prerequisite for the deployment of modern armed forces. The TSK CIR is responsible for mission support from space, which includes the key capabilities of satellite communications, global reconnaissance and geo-information support. Its unique selling point lies in the fact that the branch of the armed forces looks after all of the German Armed Forces’ satellite systems. It also makes use of the services of a large number of civilian satellites. As the importance of space grows, joint projects with partners such as the DLR – for example as part of the ‘Heinrich Hertz’ satellite system – are taking on an important role.

How can data be transmitted securely to end users such as vehicles? Which terrain is suitable for setting up field camps, roads or landing sites? In which areas are enemy forces located? These and similar questions can be answered using data from space-based services and the capabilities of the TSK CIR for the German Armed Forces. Visitors to the ILA 2024 are invited to find out more about mission support from space at the DLR stand. Please feel free to contact us!


Cyber and Information Domain Service