DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI)

Shaping the quantum computing ecosystem

Quantum computers present great opportunities for industry, business and research. However, this potential can only be realised with a strong ecosystem. In order to bring quantum computing into application more quickly, the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI) is working with partners from industry and academia to develop quantum computers, as well as the necessary enabling technologies, software and applications. At two innovation centres in Hamburg and Ulm, DLR QCI is pooling infrastructure, expertise and resources to foster an environment for effective technology transfer and ground-breaking progress.

An important success factor towards a strong quantum computing ecosystem is the close and active involvement of industry along the entire value chain: in research and development, as a supplier or as a user in one of the many use cases. The DLR QCI addresses and strengthens the involvement of industry in the quantum computing ecosystem through fully funded industrial contracts for hardware development and via contracts for research and development work on practical use cases.

At ILA 2024, the DLR QCI will show how quantum computers can contribute to making the mobility of the future more efficient and sustainable – and how industry and start-ups can work together with researchers to define new use cases and thus expand and leverage the immense potential of quantum computers.


German Aerospace Center (DLR)
DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI)
E-Mail contact-dlr@DLR.de