Smart leakage detection

Smart sensor technology for detecting hydrogen leaks

Hydrogen is a promising energy source for achieving the decarbonisation targets for the aviation sector. To utilise its full potential, further research into its use in aircraft is required.

Hydrogen gas (H2) is highly explosive, making the detection of potential leaks a fundamental safety concern. To this end, the DLR Institute of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul is developing new solutions that enable the smart detection and localisation of leaking gas. They designed a bus communication system that can send data from many small sensors to a centralised location.

At ILA 2024, the H2Leak exhibit is built inside an aircraft fuselage, with gas sensors attached to the ceiling to simplify the bus communication system. Visitors can reach into the fuselage via an opening at the front and use a hose to release helium gas, which is simultaneously visualised on a screen using a heat map.
