IFAR is the world’s only network of publicly-funded aviation research establishments.

Membership in IFAR is open to national aviation research organisations, including universities active in aviation research, that are (1) non-profit, (2) owned or funded by governments, and (3) committed to conduct civilian research activities in aviation. Only one member organisation is nominated to represent its respective country. Currently, IFAR’s 26 active aviation research organisations span all inhabited continents. More than 40,000 researchers work across the IFAR member organisations.

IFAR operates on the basis of consensus among its members. Annually, principals from IFAR members convene at the IFAR Summit. This event sets the IFAR goals and activities for the coming year which will be implemented by several IFAR teams, working groups, and initiatives.

IFAR is steered by a Leadership team which consists of Chair, Vice-Chair, Past Chair, as well as IFAR Founding Member DLR. The IFAR Executive Secretariat is administered by DLR.

IFAR has four core activities:

  1. Information exchange and networking among member organizations
  2. Information exchange and discussion on technical issues to enable multilateral international collaboration
  3. Human resources development to support early career researchers
  4. Working with external partners – ICAO and ICAS

IFAR and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) collaborate to expand and promote innovation in aviation in support of sustainable development. Information-sharing and research activities on innovation-driven areas such as Advanced Air Mobility or Certification by Analysis are at the heart of this collaboration. The first IFAR Scientific Assessment for UAM (2023) – in collaboration with ICAO – can be downloaded here: : ifar-scientific-assessment-for-uam.pdf



German Aerospace Center (DLR)
International Relations
E-Mail contact-dlr@DLR.de