Ariane 6 engine development

Research and test infrastructure for future space transport

Around 250 German Aerospace Center (DLR) employees at the Lampoldshausen site are working to make future spaceflight more efficient, cost-effective and safe with innovative propulsion systems and environmentally friendly fuels. With its scientific expertise, flexible infrastructure and openness to the use of forward-looking and cost-reducing technologies from the fields of digitalisation and artificial intelligence, Lampoldshausen has become the leading European research and technology location for liquid propulsion systems and stages of all sizes and specifications.

The successful test campaign of the Ariane 6 upper stage is a highlight in DLR’s history and an important milestone before the first launch of Ariane 6. During a hot-fire test on the European Space Agency (ESA) upper stage test stand ‘P5.2’, DLR teams simulate all aspects that are relevant for a first launch, including the preparation and post-processing of the stage. This includes fuelling with liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen and emptying the tanks at the end of the test. The Vinci upper stage engine and the Vulcain 2.1 main stage engine have already been tested and qualified for use in the new Ariane 6 launcher on the ESA test stands P4.1 and P5. The engines are developed and manufactured by ArianeGroup.

The highly complex and powerful ESA P5.2 upper stage test stand was developed and built as part of the development of the future European launcher Ariane 6, on behalf of ESA. Both the test stand and significant parts of the tested stage are financed by German ESA contributions to the Ariane 6 development programme. The German Space Agency at DLR is responsible for providing and coordinating these funds on behalf of the German government.


German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Propulsion