AUTOMATICA – 7th International Trade Fair for Automation and Mechatronics

Die AUTOMATICA ist eine der führenden Messe für industrielle Automatisierung und Mechatronik. Sechs Messehallen widmen sich unterschiedlichen Schwerpunktthemen von der Sensorik, Antriebstechnik über die Versorgungstechnik bis zu Positioniersystemen. Auch in diesem Jahr ist ein eigener Bereich für das Thema “Servicerobotik” vorgesehen. Das DLR ist mit seinen vielfältigen Kompetenzen seines Oberpfaffenhofener Robotik- und Mechatronik Zentrums auf …


InnoTrans is the leading international trade fair for transport technology which takes place every two years in Berlin. It is divided into five segments: Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel Construction. The InnoTrans Convention accompanying programme complements the trade fair. A unique feature is the InnoTrans track and outdoor area with 3500 …

Invitation: Human Physiology Workshop

The Institute of Aerospace Medicine will conduct a Workshop on current developments in human physiology in the field of researching physicians, exercise scientists and physiotherapists.


DLR is supporting the EURISY conference in Berchtesgaden which is about learning, teaching, and innovating in satellite applications in strategic fields.

TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting

The next TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting will take place in October 2016 at DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.

Tag der Offenen Tür beim DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen

Am 9. Oktober 2016 öffnen sich die Türen des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen für alle Wissenshungrigen.

Workshop “Forecasting Air Transport”

The German Aviation Research Society e.V. is hosting the workshop “Forecasting Air Transport” on 6 and 7 october, 2016 in Cologne. It deals with various aspects in the field of air transport forecasting.

International Astronautical Congress (IAC)

Founded in 1951 to foster the dialogue between scientists around the world and support international cooperation in all space-related activities, the IAC to this day continues to connect space people. Acting as organizer, the International Astronautical Federation is the world leading space advocacy body with 300 members, including all key space agencies, companies and institutes …

Aerogels – a practical workshop

The DLR Institute of Materials Science is hosting the event „Aerogels – a practical workshop”. It aims at teaching the latest state of the art in aerogels research to young scientists.

Workshop „3D-Druck in Regenerativer Medizin und Biotechnologie”

Zu dem Workshop „3D-Druck in Regenerativer Medizin und Biotechnologie – der Aufbruch in die nächste Dimension“ lädt die in die Kölner DLR-Forschungsanlage :envihab ein.

16th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals (LAM-16)

The DLR Institute of Material Physics in Space is organising the „16. International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metal (LAM-16)”, which will take place in September 2016 in Bonn, Germany.

COMETS – Mission Rosetta: Journey to the Origins of the Solar System

They come from the outer reaches of the Solar System. Comets are unusual, spectacular and still relatively unexplored. In its exhibition focussing on the “Rosetta” mission, DLR (German Aerospace Center) will take you to the origins of the Solar System.