
Dialogue with members of civil society

The visionary U-Shift vehicle concept offers emission-free, automated, safe, and tranquil transportation for both people and goods. What sets this concept apart is its remarkable flexibility: The U-shaped drive unit, known as the driveboard, adeptly retrieves capsules for various purposes, transports them to their destination and gently sets them down. A model of the U-Shift will also be on display at the Baden-Württemberg International stand at the Hannover Messe.

The main objective of the ‘U-Shift II – Demonstrator’ project is to demonstrate the highly innovative concept of ‘on-the-road’ vehicle modularisation in a controlled environment for the first time.

DLR is leading the project and coordinating the close collaboration between the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Research Institute for Automotive Engineering and Powertrain Systems Stuttgart (FKFS) and the University of Ulm. The aim is to craft a novel prototype that advances the U-Shift concept, thereby supporting the future-oriented transformation of the transport sector.

The technical vehicle development is complemented by a dialogue with citizens. The project team shares insights into development and welcomes input from individuals. Central to this interaction are potential use cases and future visions for the U-Shift vehicle.

To ensure a comprehensive range of perspectives and ideas enrich the project, the U-Shift team actively encourages participation from individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests. The dialogue with the general public commenced with an online survey, and the project team continues to provide information on opportunities for involvement through various events and communication channels.


German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Vehicle Concepts
Prof. Dr. Tjark Siefkes · Email u-shift@dlr.de